


万花筒是基于云的, 平台即服务应用程序提供易于理解的, big-picture approach to decision-making perfectly suited to help improve cross-disciplinary collaboration.


老化的首页不仅威胁到附近的其他资产, 但也威胁着我们城市的生存能力, 校园和军事设施.

资本预算的优先顺序相互竞争, 一个使首页更具弹性的综合方法从未像现在这样重要.

老化的首页是自然灾害加剧的脆弱性. The vitality and development of our cities depends on a plan to minimize these unforeseen costs and disruptions.


与万花筒, you can rapidly and accurately identify previously unknown infrastructure vulnerabilities to prioritize capital expenditures and achieve greater infrastructure 弹性 in a more proactive and interconnected way.

万花筒 uses predictive algorithms to generate vulnerability assessments across key sectors of infrastructure in a community, 包括运输, 饮用水, 能源, 通讯和卫生. 通过识别漏洞以及它们可能如何影响社区的复原力, 帮助削减昂贵的, 计划外和被动维护, 组织可以在破坏变成危险之前阻止它——这样生活就可以不受干扰地继续下去.



在雅各布, 我们了解市政当局, 城市和军事设施正面临巨大挑战, 比如快速城市化和气候变化, 这些挑战正在对老化的首页造成损害.

We developed 万花筒 to help city and campus leaders and others understand where they are most vulnerable to better prioritize capital expenditures and maximize positive outcomes through a system-of-systems approach. 每一天, 我们的客户必须就如何解决老化的首页问题并为其提供资金做出决定, 气候变化, 社会公平, 弹性, 人口增长, 可持续发展和数字化转型,为其公民提供最高质量的生活. 

The missing link is the essential connection between supply and consumption; that is, the reliability and 弹性 of existing infrastructure that distributes basic services which are essential for a city’s vitality and viability. 然而,无处不在的工业4.0的开始.0 and the “digital age” of smart cities won’t be able to reach its full potential unless the smart foundation that supports smart infrastructure is addressed.


  • 获得批判性洞察力
    • 改进理解并揭示隐藏的首页漏洞.
    • 识别老化首页的脆弱性问题, 自然灾害和未来发展规划.
    • 通过系统方法使积极结果的数量最大化.
    • View the status of infrastructure vulnerabilities at any time and how different infrastructure projects will potentially change your infrastructure 弹性 score.
  • 改善沟通
    • 通过交互式地图应用程序和仪表板与员工安全地共享信息, 领导者和利益相关者.
    • 跨部门和组织共享数据,这样每个人都知道发生了什么.
  • 做出明智的决定
    • 支持首页投资.
    • 提高透明度和信任度,为首页投资决策提供支持.
    • 证明设计决策的合理性.
    • 节省时间和金钱.

“There really hasn’t been a systematic inclusion of how we discuss aging infrastructure in urban 弹性. 我们倾向于一次只讨论一个领域, 例如交通或水, but we don’t discuss how we should manage areas in a city that are chronically disrupted by closures because of infrastructure repair and maintenance and whether these areas are actually classified as hazards. 这就是万花筒帮助解决的问题.”




Planners and engineers have a lot to gain from taking a systems approach to decision-making; one focusing on maximizing positive outcomes across sectors. 需要一种共同的语言将这些专业学科结合在一起.

万花筒提供了一个易于理解的, big-picture approach to decision-making perfectly suited to help improve cross-disciplinary collaboration. 这种综合方法可以提高生活质量, 所有城市的可持续性和韧性.


万花筒是基于云的, platform-as-a-service application capable of running on any device. It provides easy access to an interactive map and 指示板s showing the vulnerability status of infrastructure, 单独地或组合地.

因为首页是建筑环境的基础和支撑, 万花筒调整了其主要产品以支持城市, 校园及设施. 我们可以和你一起找出你的危险, 或者,我们可以为您提供所需的知识,以规划您自己的弹性首页之路.

另外, 受益于我们的地理空间, geo技术 and asset management specialist teams who can provide more tailored insight and guidance to fit your unique needs.

