A View on the Future of Desalination: A Q&A with Constanze Simmermacher

Our global principal for desalination and membrane treatment explains how Jacobs is supporting clients with solutions that transform seawater into a climate-resilient water supply.

Q&与Constanze Simmermacher Jacobs海水淡化和膜处理全球负责人合作

As water scarcity challenges intensify due to climate change, the need for reliable, drought-resilient water supplies is increasing worldwide. In response, more communities are embracing the OneWater 所有水都有价值的原则,并转向非常规水源以满足其供应需求.

By adopting desalination solutions, 社区可以将海水和其他含盐水源转化为优质水源. Desalination facilities typically use reverse osmosis (RO) membrane treatment technologies to remove dissolved salts and minerals. 这些技术包括在高压下让水通过半透膜, separating out the clean water and concentrating the salts as a waste brine.

Jacobs has extensive experience delivering desalination projects worldwide. 40多年来,我们一直积极参与学术和实践研究, pilot-testing of desalination technologies as well as delivering the design, construction and operation of pioneering desalination systems.

In this Q&A, 我们与雅各布斯海水淡化和膜处理全球负责人Constanze Simmermacher联系. 康斯坦泽在德国学习水科学,她的灵感来自于从事同样领域研究的父亲. 她的职业生涯始于作为承包商设计工业用水和废水处理厂. 她来到新加坡的原计划是为期两周的旅行,但从未离开过! Constanze now serves as portfolio manager for the water and wastewater treatment plants that Jacobs supports in Singapore and, in her role as global principal, works on desalination and other advanced water treatment projects worldwide.

Hi Constanze, 我们通过海水淡化为客户解决了哪些关键的水挑战?

Desalination is key to addressing water scarcity. It’s a solution to water resource issues in areas where water is hard to come by. I live and work in Singapore, where I’ve been fortunate to witness firsthand how desalination can help alleviate water scarcity – a longstanding and pressing issue for the island nation.

Though surrounded by water, the city-state’s limited land mass and lack of natural water bodies have made water security a priority since gaining independence in the 1960s. With most of its water imported from a neighboring country, 新加坡积极寻求扩大和多样化其水资源,以加强水的弹性和自给自足, 推动策略性规划和创新意念,确保可持续供水. This effort saw the culmination of its national strategy, 通过“四个国家水龙头”,即来自当地集水区的水,使水资源多样化, imported water, high-grade reclaimed water known as NEWater and desalinated water. For more than two decades, our team has been proud to work closely with Singapore’s National Water Agency PUB on the implementation of its integrated, sustainable and resilient water master plan, most recently designing the Changi NEWater Factory 3.

作为国家四大龙头之一,新加坡不断扩大海水淡化能力. There are currently five desalination plants in Singapore, beginning with the SingSpring Desalination Plant, which was established in 2005.

In 2016, I had the opportunity to play a role in the development of its third plant, the Tuas Desalination Plant (TDP), which has the capacity to treat up to 136 million liters per day. From my role as process lead engineer during stages one and two – where I contributed to the development of the plant design and tender documents – to overseeing construction as commissioning manager, I gained invaluable experience throughout the project.

On another first-of-its-kind project, our team conducted the feasibility study for the Marina East Desalination Plant – where I assumed the role as process lead. 自2021年开始运营的可变盐度工厂拥有处理水库水和海水的能力, 这标志着新加坡在采用尖端技术应对水安全挑战方面取得了重大进展.

More recently, I served as process lead for Singapore’s latest desalination plant on Jurong Island, which can produce up to 136 million liters per day. 这个项目的一个关键亮点是它与大士电力的Tembusu多功能综合设施的战略位置, enabling synergies in resources and infrastructure including seawater intake, water-discharge facilities, elevated feed water temperature and energy. This integration makes it more energy-efficient than conventional desalination plants.

Together, 这五个海水淡化厂目前贡献了全国40%的供水能力, 强调海水淡化可以在解决缺水问题方面发挥重要作用. With ongoing efforts to innovate and invest in water infrastructure, desalination stands as a vital component in Singapore's aspiration for water independence amidst its growing population and environmental uncertainties.

气候变化使得越来越多的社区将海水淡化作为一种有弹性的供水策略. What technological innovations have made these solutions more accessible?

Due to the growing water crisis in many parts of the world, 反渗透系统和膜技术得到了突出和显著的改进. High-performing membranes with better permeability have improved system recoveries and are now readily available at a reasonable cost.

However, desalination remains a highly energy-intensive process. Encouragingly, there have been notable advancements on energy recovery devices to reduce energy consumption of the RO systems significantly. That’s been a big factor in reducing the operations and maintenance costs over the years so that this is now a more accessible solution for many clients.

Another emerging trend is the integration of renewable energy, such as wind and solar power with desalination plants, to reduce the associated carbon footprint and energy costs of desalination further. In regions like the Middle East, 对为海水淡化过程提供动力的太阳能电池板的兴趣和需求明显激增. This strategic shift aligns well with our multi-sector expertise across water and energy & power, positioning us effectively to support our clients in adopting a cleaner and more affordable energy future to sustain water plants.

What are the other key developments you’re seeing right now in desalination solutions?

Another major trend right now is the adoption of high-recovery systems to extract the maximum amount of water from the plant. 这种方法允许缩小预处理组件的尺寸,并减小进气和排气系统的尺寸. Even though the high-recovery systems may incur higher initial costs, they streamline upstream processes, ultimately leading to cost savings and reduction in waste brine production. This brings the operations closer to achieving zero liquid discharge. Managing the brine production in desalination is a challenge that can be costly, 因此,通过提高水回收率来减少盐水量的努力通常是非常有益的.

At the same time, there is a growing focus on treating brine as a resource. Extracting valuable minerals and metals like lithium, magnesium and potassium from brine has become increasingly feasible. This approach not only transforms waste into a valuable resource but also contributes to circular economy principles and minimizes environmental impacts associated with brine disposal. A recent study in Saudi Arabia revealed that mineral recovery could also potentially offset the costs of water production by commercializing extracted resources. 这表明以最低成本或零成本生产脱盐海水的可能性.

This is also evident in water reuse plants – such as those currently being designed and developed in Singapore, 哪些创新技术,如回流技术,可以提高采收率.

Ultimately, the trend we’re seeing today is very much focused on maximizing the efficiency of desalination or membrane treatment plants while minimizing brine production, 这反映了水管理向可持续性和资源优化的积极转变.

What do you like most about being part of #OurJacobs team?

Besides the great people and unlimited opportunities to work on unique projects, 对我来说,真正突出的是可以访问全球专家网络和支持系统. 当我知道总会有人可以向我寻求专业建议时,我感到非常欣慰. We have such a diverse pool of talented individuals and capabilities that there is always guidance and support available when needed. That’s something I always missed before I joined Jacobs.

About the interviewee

Constanze Simmermacher

Constanze Simmermacher is Jacobs Global Principal for Desalination and Membrane Treatment and also serves as Portfolio Manager Treatment Plant Projects and Process Engineering Lead – Singapore. With 20 years of experience in process engineering and project management within the water and wastewater treatment domain, 她是一名致力于创造可持续水解决方案的专业水处理工程师. Constanze’s experience covers feasibility studies, conceptual and detailed design as well as construction management and commissioning. Constanze has been involved and held responsible positions in the design, engineering and execution of projects involving key water and wastewater technologies. Her portfolio includes expertise in the treatment of surface water, desalination and water reuse, with this experience being applied to projects across Europe, Asia and the Middle East.

Get to know Constanze

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